The history of Rüübe’s craft-vodkas

The most important events and dates in the history of Rüübe’s vodkas:

  • In June 2019 we started with the successful taste testings of two of our flavoured vodkas. We found the perfect balance for the smooth tasting fireweed and also for the great blend of ginger and mint.
  • In July 2019 we mixed and bottled the first batch of fireweed and ginger-mint flavoured vodkas.
  • In August 2019 we started with the presentation and sale of our first products. As traditional for Estonians, there was some initial scepticism over our new take on vodka, however, slowly but surely the first bottles made its way to the consumers.
  • In December 2019 we also made our traditional vodka „Haljas“ due to the strong demand of our consumers, which does not fall short from our previous flavoured vodkas.
  • In March 2020, due to the recommendation of other Estonian alcohol producers, we decided to take part of Craft Spirits Berlin Festival, a German drink festival. All our drinks were represented and we awarded. Rüübe’s ginger-mint vodka was awarded silver, Fireweed and „Haljas“ were awarded bronze.
  • In November 2020 Rüübe’s „Haljas“ won the best vodka category award and was certified gold at the „Estonian Best Drink 2020“ competition.
  • In December 2020, Rüübe’s „Haljas“ achieved the distinct geographical indication lable „Estonian Vodka“, not awared to many drinks.
  • In January 2021 fireweed Rüübe was awarded silver at the Nordic Spirits Awards 2021 competition. Given competition is meant for small producers who value quality and dedication.
  • In July 2021 we opened Rüübe’s new homepage, where it is possible to purchase our craft-vodkas directly from the producer.

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